Who are you? How do you show up?
Can you believe it… The first quarter of the year is almost over! This year I have given myself permission to ease into 2018, taking things slowly and mindfully.
This hasn’t always been the case, and in the past I would have experienced guilt and anxiety over not always going at full pace. But over the years, I have done a lot of work to find out exactly who I am, what I want and how I want to show up.
What makes you, well, you?
Anger and frustration are the result of you not being authentic somewhere in your life or with someone in your life. Being fake about anything creates a block inside of you. Life can’t work for you if you don’t show up as you.” — Jason Mraz
Authenticity speaks to who you are.
What are your values and ethics? These are the things that define you and make up your personal brand. Once you are clear on these and you show up as you every day, you will inspire others and attract people and clients to you.
For me that means acting on my responsibility to stand up for the planet and other people. This is something I am extremely passionate about.
I have been an environmental activist since my first protests to block the Franklin River Dam in South West Tasmania. Whilst living in Singapore in the late 1980s I worked in a Vietnamese refugee camp and saw first hand why people take the desperate action to jump in a boat to escape oppression and save their family’s lives. I was a volunteer firefighter in the Dandenong Ranges in Victoria and fought the Ash Wednesday bush fires. The experience of being part of a fire brigade highlighted to me the obstacles women face working in a male dominated area. I had to prove myself twice over to be accepted and even then not by all my fellow firies. I have worked for women’s rights ever since.
There is an old Woody Allen quote that says “80% of success is just showing up.”
I totally agree and have found this to be true. Maybe you don’t have to physically show up every day, but you have to psychologically show up. You have to start building the version of yourself that will be the better you.
Set your habits to your personality and play to those strengths which make you the most effective you.
Show up every day and showing up becomes easier.
I hope you all have a restful Easter break and take some time to ponder on who you are and how you show up. I look forward to helping you get clear on how you can show up to make the greatest impact in your life and business.