5 day Planning Workshop
Create your Best Year Yet…
based on the bestseller by Jinny Ditzler
If you want to learn how to have your best year yet and avoid the roadblocks of past years
5 Day Planning Workshop
Your Best Year YetNumbers are strictly limited.
Are you feeling the pressure to set big goals and hit the ground running in 2018?
Often when we hear about planning or goal setting we think of long to-do lists and broken new year resolutions.
You will be surprised to know this year I realised that I wasn’t ready to start on my goals just yet.
In fact my number 1 goal was to ease into 2018 and not get back to working in or on my business until February.
Funnily enough when I shared that goal with friends and other business owners I discovered that it was a common theme. Many people are taking this year slowly and simply.
For this reason I have decided to start my planning at the end of January and I’m inspired to share my planning sessions with you in my 5 day Planning Workshop designed to help you to create Your Best Year Yet… based on the bestseller by Jinny Ditzler.
You’ll learn:
- How to write Your Best Year Yet plan for the year
- How to create your new paradigm
- How to set business goals
- How to take the right action steps to accomplish them
- How to make sure you achieve your goals
And we’ll do it together over 5 days starting Monday 29th January.
Fifteen years ago, I started my bookkeeping business, as a single Mum. I’d made a tree change from the city, to live a quiet, slow country lifestyle, in which I could spend good quality time with my young daughter, while making a decent living.
Things didn’t quite go to plan. I was working insanely long hours, stealing precious time away from my daughter, just to keep the business going. It seemed it didn’t matter how many resources I threw at it, somehow I just couldn’t get on top of the paperwork and the demands of my clients. Add in high staff costs and pretty crappy margins, and I had created a cash flow sucking monster. My dreams of a quiet life, with my daughter, in the country were no longer a reality.
If success was measured by what was laid out in my business plan, I was considered successful. I had built a team and had a steady stream of clients, but my personal life was bearing the cost. I certainly did not feel successful, I felt exhausted. I realised those well intended business plans, were not in alignment with who I really was and how I wanted to live my life.
It was then that I invested in a business coach. With her help I learned that business strategy is about so much more than plans and budgets. I discovered where my strengths and weaknesses lay, so that I could employ the right people to support me in my business. I honed my marketing skills and started to attract the kind of high quality clients I most wanted to work with. I learned rock solid financial management systems so that the money I earned wasn’t flowing out faster than it was coming in. And finally, I shifted my mindset from that of a struggling bookkeeper, to successful business person and my life and business followed.
I created a new plan. One that would attract clients who are a dream to work with, who I can relate to, in industries that I feel inspired by. These days, running my six figure business gives me energy, rather than draining me.
Today I work with amazing clients who are likeminded and appreciate my work. Even though I earn more money than I ever have, my team is half the size of those crazy days and my dreams of a quiet life in the country, are a reality.
I love your focus on gratitude and integrity, Cindy. It makes you stand out from other financial experts, along with your warmth and lack of judgement (can be hard to admit that your finances are a mess!).
SO…. Are you ready for a big year in your business AND your life?…
What big goals are you planning to achieve in 2018? Do you want 2018 to be your best year yet?
Then you need a plan! For every goal you want to accomplish, there must first be planning and preparation.
You might be like me and love planning or you might be a non-planner and hate the thought of it. Either way, I’m here to help!
Join my 5-day planning workshop to make 2018 your best year yet. This workshop is based on the bestseller by Jinny Ditzler.
It includes looking back at last year’s ups and downs, setting goals and taking the right action steps to accomplish them.
My 5 day Planning Workshop will give you the support, guidance and information to write your unique and personalised plan.
Your Best Year Yet Planning Workshop kicks off Monday 29th January and runs until Friday 2nd February.
Numbers are strictly limited.
Enrollment closes at midnight Sunday 28th January.
Don’t wait, join now.
What is included?

5 daily Workbooks

5 daily Facebook Live Coaching Sessions

1 Friendly, Supportive Facebook Community

5 daily Workbooks
5 daily Facebook Live Coaching Sessions
1 Friendly, Supportive Facebook Community
I had a session with Cindy today and still buzzing with joy and excitement! Her guidance and expertise are invaluable. She was able to give me specific and actionable steps to move forward in my business. I feel inspired and motivated to act in order to let my business finally take off.
Our 5 Days together looks like…

DAY 1 – Preparing to answer the 10 questions that will change your life forever
Getting to know ourselves is an important step in building our future. Knowing our strengths and weaknesses helps us to create a plan that is easy to follow and achievable.
It is fundamentally important to have a vision; a master plan.
DAY 2 – My Year in Review
What were my biggest achievements last year?
What were my biggest regrets? What did I learn? Looking at limiting paradigms and how to create your new paradigm

DAY 2 – My Year in Review
What were my biggest achievements last year?
What were my biggest regrets? What did I learn? Looking at limiting paradigms and how to create your new paradigm

DAY 3 – How to find inspiration for my goals
What are my personal values?
What roles do I play in my life? Which 8 roles will I focus my energy on this year? We do a Whole Life Review to check that roles and values are in alignment
DAY 4 – What are my top ten goals for the year
What are my goals for 2018?
How can I make sure I achieve my goals?

DAY 5 – Write Your Best Year Yet plan for the year
Numbers are strictly limited.
Enrollment closes at midnight Sunday 28th January.
Don’t wait, join now.
5 Day Planning Workshop
Your Best Year YetWow!Wow!Wow! I no longer find my accounting process so laborious and draining. I feel so much more in control of what I need to manifest into my life now I know its purpose. I was able to come up with specific targets that I looked forward to achieving. As a result, I have been flooded with huge opportunities for joint ventures, speaking engagements etc. Thanks Cindy for your awesome work! I will definitely be back to work deeper with you.
See you in the workshop!